February 1st, 2023, SoftGiken Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Norio Fujita, established in 1983) released "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer for GMAIL™", a Gmail add-on version of "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer", a service that allows you to transfer files securely as a PPAP countermeasure.
It will be a Gmail add-on version of the "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer" Web version released in November 2022. And you will be able to use it more smoothly when sending files by email.

Mainly in Japan, when sending files by email, a method of attaching a zip file with a password and sending the password in a separate email (commonly known as PPAP is sometimes used. However, it has been pointed out that this method cannot take measures against email interception, etc., and has security problems such as information leakage. In addition, PPAP has already been abolished by the Cabinet Office, other ministries and agencies, and companies.
As a solution to this problem, "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer" makes it possible to safely transfer files to recipients without attaching files to emails.
"YubiOn SecureFileTransfer for GMAIL™" released this time can be obtained from Google's official marketplace as an add-on for Gmail, making it easier and easier to use.
【Product Summary】
When you want to send a file by email, you can use "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer for GMAIL™" to transfer the file via secure communication (SSL / TLS), verify the recipient through authentication, and then deliver the file.
【Features of YubiOn SecureFileTransfer for GMAIL™】
With the "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer" Web version, files are uploaded after opening the service screen in the browser. But, with the "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer for GMAIL™" add-on, you can upload files directly from Gmail, making the process of sending emails more intuitive and easy to understand.
Operation of the "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer" Web version
Upload file from browser.
Open Gmail and paste the download URL into the email content.
Send an email and notify the download URL to the recipient.
Email recipient downloads file.

Operation of the "YubiOn SecureFileTransfer for GMAIL™" add-on version
Open Gmail and upload a file using an add-on (the upload URL is automatically pasted into the content).
Send an email and notify the download URL to the recipient.
Email recipient downloads file.

In addition to being able to use Gmail to upload files, there is also a function that automatically pastes the download URL into the content of the email, making it more convenient and easier to use.

"YubiOn SecureFileTransfer for GMAIL™", which allows you to securely send files by email without attaching files, can be used for free now. Please give it a try.
【Operating environment】
Gmail (add-on)
【About the service page】
Please refer to this page for details of the service.
Google Workspace Marketplace